Where Do We Go From Here?
Our country is in the midst of crisis. Homelessness has become one of the most divisive problems facing communities nationwide. In cities of all sizes stakeholders are polarized. Street homelessness in on the rise. Communities are struggling controversial policy dilemmas – to allow camping, or not? How much to invest in life saving services vs…
Read MoreOur 2019 Impact and 2020 Program Goals
We have great things planned for 2020 here at Bridge House and Ready to Work! We will focus on expanding and deepening the impact of Ready to Work in Boulder and Aurora by seeking opportunities to develop more employment opportunities for adults experiencing homelessness through social enterprise. We will continue to address hunger though our…
Read MoreSecond Chances
This October we celebrated 43 graduates at our annual Ceremony. All are the product of a second chance. But not every second chance works. In the case of our Ready to Work graduates, a second chance is never wasted. On October 16, 2019 we honored people who seized opportunity to transform their lives taking no…
Read MoreLet’s Go Big
An unexpected thing is happening. Homelessness is growing not in the most derelict cities but in the most affluent. Homelessness is now a symptom of prosperity not just decline. This may make some sense. People with means move in and others are squeezed out. Yet, the high cost of housing is not the only reason…
Read MoreProblem solving in America : Homelessness as the next frontier
This past Thursday America celebrated its 243rd birthday! America was founded on bold ideas. It was founded on a belief in liberty, on a belief that the status quo could change. That life could be better and people can prosper when given the freedom and opportunity to do so. Since 1776, due to our insatiable…
Read MoreHomelessness is an “us” problem not a “them” problem. It is ours to solve.
by Isabel McDevitt, Bridge House CEO I cringe when I hear people say “The Homeless”. If homelessness is circumstance caused – and exacerbated – by failed systems of health care, education, criminal justice; lack of access to good paying jobs and affordable housing. How can all people experiencing homelessness be the same? Ask yourself…
Read MoreSteve’s Story
The horn-rimmed glasses and close-cropped hair give him an almost studious appearance. I’ll call him Steve. He’s powerfully built and broad through the chest but right now tears are streaming down the cheeks of this big man. We’re at a staff meeting at Bridge House and Steve is telling us about his journey to this…
Read MoreWhy do we wait?
How Bridge House is preventing chronic homelessness by Isabel McDevitt, Bridge House CEO In the mid-nineties cities across the country developed 10 year plans to end homelessness. The cornerstone of each plan consisted of a “Housing First” approach and the development of Permanent Supportive Housing for people experiencing chronic homelessness. According to the Department…
Read More2018 Successes and Challenges
With success comes challenges… and challenges breed opportunities for creativity and innovation. This is the Bridge House view. In 2018 we had several notable successes and face significant challenges. We are leveraging both to find solutions. Here are just 3 examples Thank you for being part of our solutions. 1. Success – In 2018, Bridge…
Read MoreThe Top Ten of 2018 – The People That Personify Our Success
10. Stella – Ready to Work graduate – A mom again to her 7-year-old son. Stella regained custody of her son as the result of the pro-bono legal work provided through Bridge House volunteers at a top Denver-based law firm. In 2018 we leveraged the skills and talents of professional volunteers and connect our clients…
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