Bridge House
Bridge House
About Bridge House
Bridge House believes in, respects and empowers people who are experiencing homelessness. We connect them to housing and employment opportunities so they can realize and embrace their future.
Overview and History
Bridge House is on a mission to end homelessness - one person at a time. We offer adults experiencing homelessness a continuum of programming, called the Bridge of Opportunity, spanning from low barrier basic needs services to robust programs with access to paid work, housing and support services.
The goal of all Bridge House’s core programs is to meet adults experiencing homelessness where they are and offer them opportunities to transform their lives. We offer each client customized opportunities to help them transition as quickly as possible out of homelessness.
We Believe That...
There's nothing in the world that can stop us from creating opportunities to help people get a foothold, to overcome their challenges, and to go beyond all expectations.
There's nothing in the world that can stop us from thinking of new creative, awesome solutions to change their future and the future of the community.
There's nothing in the world that can make us think this is something too complicated to solve.
There's nothing in the world that can stop us from getting our job done. Every day, for every person, because it's the right thing to do.

- START was established as a day shelter when local businesses and faith communities identified a need for services for individuals experiencing homelessness in Boulder.
- Community Table was established as an independent 501c3 to provide meals to people experiencing homelessness and food insecurity. Food was cooked by volunteers and meals were hosted by faith communities.
- START was established as a day shelter when local businesses and faith communities identified a need for services for individuals experiencing homelessness in Boulder.
- START changed its name to Carriage House and operated a day shelter and kitchen out of a 1,200 square-foot brick house owned by the First Congregational Church at Pine Street and Broadway.
- Carriage House merged with the Community Table and became known as Carriage House Community Table.
- Carriage House Community Table changed its name to Bridge House to better showcase our programs as a Bridge of Opportunity for our clients experiencing homelessness.
- The Resource Center opened as a response to the ever-growing need to make homeless services more accessible, efficient and effective for clients and service providers alike. The Resource Center operated through 2017.
- Ready to Work launches as a pilot program with the City of Boulder to provide clean up services on Pearl Street and on the Boulder Creek path.
- The Resource Center opened as a response to the ever-growing need to make homeless services more accessible, efficient and effective for clients and service providers alike. The Resource Center operated through 2017.
- Community Table Kitchen, a 2,700 square-foot commercial kitchen opened as Bridge House’s food service social enterprise.
- Bridge House opened the Ready to Work House in Boulder to provide housing for 44 individuals in the program.
- Path to Home opened as the City of Boulder’s first 24/7 shelter, incorporating space for Community Table dinners, Coordinated Entry, Severe Weather Shelter, and Navigation services. Bridge House operated Path to Home for the duration of its 2-year pilot program.
- Bridge House merged with and absorbed Boulder Outreach for Homeless Overflow, a Boulder based non-profit that provided emergency services for adults experiencing homelessness.
- Ready to Work Aurora opened with capacity for 50 individuals and represented Bridge House’s first expansion into the Denver metro area.
- Path to Home opened as the City of Boulder’s first 24/7 shelter, incorporating space for Community Table dinners, Coordinated Entry, Severe Weather Shelter, and Navigation services. Bridge House operated Path to Home for the duration of its 2-year pilot program.
- Bridge House begins communication with officials in the Tri-Cities area (Englewood, Sheridan, Littleton) to open a 3rd location in the near future.
2013 - Boulder County Public Health Award
2016 - Housing Colorado Eagle Award
2019 - Bill Daniel’s Award for Ethical Leadership Award
2019 - Pitch 1% Non-profit Pitch Competition - 1st Place
2019 - Impact100 Metro Denver Grant Competition - 2nd Place
2019 - Colorado’s Google Impact Challenge People’s Choice Award
2020 - Bank of America Neighborhood Builders Program
2020 - Governor’s Award for Downtown Excellence