Path to Home Draft Management Plan for 2691 30th Street, Boulder
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The Path to Home Navigation program will provide 24/7 sheltering and case management services for homeless adults.
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The following document is the DRAFT Management Plan for Path to Home Navigation Center and Lodge to be located at 2691 30th Street in Boulder.
This DRAFT Management Plan will be presented on October 30th at 5:30PM at 2691 30th Street. Please email all feedback to [email protected] prior to October 30th.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row gap=”4″][vc_column][vc_column_text]Overview-
Bridge House seeks to site its Path to Home Navigation Center and Lodge at 2691 30th Street. The Path to Home Navigation program (PTHN) will provide 24/7 sheltering and case management services for homeless adults. PTHN has been selected to provide the navigation services called for in the City of Boulder’s Homelessness Strategy. PTHN will host onsite Coordinated Entry services in addition to providing programming including meals, sleeping and case management and other supportive services for clients.
The following is the PTHN Management Plan for the proposed use to be drafted and implemented consistent with the Boulder Municipal code 9-2-4.
Highlights –
**PTHN is a new sheltering model designed to provide support to adults experiencing homelessness through access to basic needs services such as meals and safe shelter coupled with intensive service engagement to help clients become housed or achieve other substantial, long-term outcomes.
**Bridge House has operated programs to help homeless individuals progress in their lives since 1997, including the award-winning Ready to Work, Community Table meals and Community Table Kitchen food service social enterprise, and day and night shelter.
**PTHN is part of a coordinated community plan to better address homelessness and is planned to include onsite Coordinated Entry screening to assign homeless adults to programs designed to lead clients to housing and or other long term outcomes.
**Individuals experiencing homelessness may walk up to PTHN outside of Coordinated Entry hours or be referred from another location to PTHN through Boulder County’s Coordinated Entry system.
**All PTHN clients assigned by Coordinated Entry are required to create housing and service plans with case managers as a condition of stay.
**Path to Home was piloted with great success in moving adults experiencing homeless into housing and services, and PTHN is currently in faith community spaces prior to the availability of the 2691 30th Street unit.
**In Coordinated Entry screening, clients are usually referred to PTHN services or to the Boulder Shelter for the Homeless Program-Based Shelter program.
**Higher needs clients will generally be those directed to services of the Boulder Shelter for the Homeless Program-Based Shelter program.
**Clients assigned to PTHN will create navigation plans designed to find housing or other substantial outcomes within seven days. Plans may be renewed at the discretion of PTHN staff.
**PTHN will provide a designated place for homeless adults to engage, reducing impacts on other public spaces.
**PTHN will not accept convicted sexually violent predators (SVP).
**All individuals seeking services from PTHN will be required to sign a code of conduct (see attached draft which may change from time to time) and agree to program expectations including the creation of a housing plan.
**PTHN will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with a full complement of experienced staff onsite and monitoring the interior and exterior of the property at all times.
**No criminal behavior will be tolerated on or around the property.
Based upon the many years of program experience Bridge House and the entities with which it has partnered or merged, and with the oversight and guidance of the City of Boulder Human Services and Boulder County Health and Human Services groups, Bridge House has developed the following management plan for the PTHN program to operate Navigation Services in connection with the Coordinated Entry and Program Based Shelter plans, and the additional plans and changes that may emerge as these programs evolve.
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A description of the food service offered –
**PTHN will offer meal services through the Community Table meal program.
**Meals will be offered up to 3 times a day.
**PTHN clients will not need to seek alternative food options in the community.
**New clients will be able to access food prior to participating in Coordinated Entry screening and will be required to be assessed on the next scheduled day of Coordinated Entry screening. Meals will be prepared offsite and served by volunteers.
**All people present at meal time will be required to sign in at the PTHN greeter desk.
Hours of operation –
**PTHN will operate seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
**During all hours of operations, program participants will be held to the rules and expectations outlined in the PTHN posted rules (see attached draft which may change from time to time).
**Operations staff who oversee the operation of the site and the management of clients and service deliveries are on duty around the clock, in varying numbers depending upon the time of the day.
**Staff will be easily identifiable with a Bridge House employee ID
Sample schedule-projected basic daily time table, client point of view
6:00 AM Early risers may begin daily preparation
6:30 AM Lights on
7:15 AM Breakfast service begins
7:30 AM Morning Meeting
8:00 AM Breakfast Ends; Case Management begins for Navigation residents
9:00 AM Daily programming begins
**PTHN case management
**On-site Coordinated Entry
**Service partners on site: “one stop shop” – Resource Center model
**Self-directed resource searches
12:00 PM Lunch service begins
12:30 PM Lunch service ends
4:00 PM Daily programming ends
5:00 PM Dinner service begins
6:00 PM Dinner ends
8:00 PM Evening Meeting
9:00 PM Navigation Lodge client’s curfew and lights out
Client and visitor arrival and departure times –
**Clients will be able to enter and leave PTHN from 7:30AM to 9:00PM.
**Meal times are planned for 7:15AM, 12 noon and 5:00PM. Day programming hours are expected to be 9:00AM to 4:00PM. Curfew for clients approved to sleep at PTHN is 9:00PM.
**All clients onsite will be required to engage in program services including but not limited to, case management meetings, employment assistance, mental health and addiction recovery groups, and coordinated entry screening. Clients will be participating in housing-focused case management plans and will come and go for appointments, job interviews, housing searches, and similar activities.
**Every time an individual, whether client, volunteer, or staff member, enters or exits the building he/she will be required to sign in or out. When a new client arrives, he or she will be oriented to program facility rules
**Entry will be provided through the east-facing door of the property.
**An interior waiting area will provide ample space and eliminate the need for exterior line-ups.
Coordinated times for deliveries and trash collection –
**PTHN will schedule trash collection during business hours, subject to available services.
**Meals will be delivered from the Community Table Kitchen social enterprise approximately 30 minutes prior to meal times.
A description of the type of entertainment provided –
**Not applicable.
Size, location, and number of electronic amplifiers –
**Not applicable.
Techniques and strategies to mitigate noise impacts –
**PTHN will consist of programs offered in the interior of the facility. Due to the previous tenant much of the unit is sound-proofed. Program activities do not encourage noise other than standard conversation.
A description of how the applicant will prevent littering and maintain an orderly appearance of the premises and any adjacent right of way –
**PTHN sets a culture of opportunity and respect for clients, staff and volunteers. To promote and maintain this culture, the physical appearance of the property must reflect the values of the program.
**Prior to moving in, Bridge House will deploy it’s Ready to Work outdoor landscaping crew to clean up the property and set a higher standard for landscaping.
**Once operational, PTHN staff will make rounds of the property every half hour. During these rounds all trash will be picked up.
**Covered trash cans will be available at the east entrance of the property and a dumpster at the west side of the property for larger trash items. Clients will be offered storage on site.
**Supervised work crews from the Bridge House Ready to Work program will maintain the landscaping of the property.
A security plan describing security features, including, without limitation, personnel and equipment – PTHN will deploy well-vetted operations and safety plans given Bridge House’s wealth of experience through legacy programs including Community Table, case management, and day and overnight sheltering. PTHN staff has developed and implemented best-practice security measures to ensure safety for all who seek services and deliver services at the PTHN site as well as for the surrounding neighbors, including collaborative operations with the Boulder Police Department and its Homeless Outreach Team (HOT).
**All individuals on site will be required to check in and out at the greeter desk. A master list of all approved individuals will be checked at entry.
**If an individual seeking services is new and not in registration system, they will be asked to provide basic identifying information. At that time, it will be confirmed if this person is a referral through coordinated entry or if he/she requires a coordinated entry screen. This will be managed through PTHN data systems.
**Once checked in staff will be aware of who is on site at all times and for what purpose. Those not engaging appropriately will be approached and asked to engage properly or to leave. Clients who are asked to leave will be subject to Boulder Police Department welfare checks or other interventions according to plans. The greeter for the facility will be responsible for knowing who is on site and the team lead will monitor the property.
**Each day a daily census will be produced of all who accessed services keeping a record who was on-site.
**PTHN plans to maintain cameras previously in place. In addition, staff will walk the exterior perimeter of the building every half hour.
**PTHN has a close working relationship with the Boulder Police Department. **The BPD Homeless Outreach Team is expected to have a regular presence at PTHN. Additionally, staff has protocols for reaching out to BPD for welfare checks and emergencies.
The facility’s drug and alcohol policy –
PTHN is committed to a trauma-informed, harm-reduction model.
**PTHN clients may struggle with addiction and may be intoxicated at times. **All individuals, are required to adhere to strict behavioral expectations outlined in PTHN rules and code of conduct.
**Criminal behavior will not be tolerated. No drug or alcohol use will be allowed on the property.
**PTHN staff is trained to identify if a person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol and intervene safety and appropriately with respect to PTHN policies of safety, trauma-informed care and harm reduction.
Strategies to avoid loitering –
PTHN will be a service system entry point for people experiencing homelessness as well as a provider of navigation services for clients screened for short-term assistance.
**Clients at the PTHN site will be required to engage in services when on the property.
**All services will be offered inside the building and a waiting area will be provided to eliminate an exterior line up.
**With the availability of PTHN, individuals experiencing homelessness in other parts of Boulder and the immediate neighborhood can be referred to PTHN for appropriate services.
Employee education;
Regular practical and classroom training is provided to staff and may include these and other topics:
abstinence, client and crisis de-escalation, CPR, custodial arts, food handling, harm reduction, managing intoxication, mental health first aid, mindfulness, motivational interviewing, pat-downs and searches, standards and procedures, suicide awareness, and trauma informed care.
The facility’s responsibilities as good neighbors;
Bridge House has a legacy of being a good neighbor with all of its current and past programs.
**PTHN will be proactive in communicating with neighbors through written and in person outreach and information sharing.
**PTHN will offer information sessions and trainings on how neighbors can interact with PTHN including how to make client referrals and who to reach out to with feedback.
**When contacted by a neighbor, PTHN staff plans to respond within two business-days.
**PTHN staff is only responsible for activities on the PTHN property. However, PTHN staff will educate clients on the importance of respecting the surrounding area.
**Bus fare will be provided, when possible, for clients seeking services or working off-site.
Neighborhood outreach and methods for future communication –
**PTHN will host regular meetings and will provide a regular newsletter.
**PTHN will establish a social media footprint.
**Outreach cards will be made available for neighbors for distribution to individuals experiencing homelessness who may be seeking services.
**PTHN leadership will provide trainings for neighbors by request.
Dispute resolution strategies for any conflicts with the surrounding neighborhood –
All formal feedback for PTHN should be directed via email to the Path to Home Program Director ([email protected]).
**Day-to-day communication and problem-solving can be directed to onsite PTHN staff. Staff will have a form at the PTHN greeter desk in which formal communications can be recorded.
**PTHN staff will consult the Path to Home Program Director for on a timely and as-needed basis.
**The Path to Home Program Director (or designee) will respond to the neighbor inquiry within two business-days.
**If the neighbor has concerns with the response, the neighbor may reach out to the Bridge House Executive Director.