Updates and Changes to Services in response to COVID-19 as of March 16th, 2020
Bridge House is committed to continue providing services for our clients who need support the most during this uncertain time. We have been closely monitoring all of the developments in regards to Coronavirus COVID-19 and, along with coordination from Boulder County and other local providers, are modifying our programs to ensure the safety of clients, staff and volunteers. In all cases, Bridge House staff and clients are following CDC guidelines to mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 spread. Below is an update of our various programs as of 3/16/20, which will be updated accordingly as new developments occur.
Basic Needs: Severe Weather Shelter, Path to Home and Community Table dinners:
- We are collaborating with our partners through Homeless Services for Boulder County to create a continuum of sheltering options that balance the on-going need for shelter with procedures and resources in place to screen for symptoms and quarantine those who are symptomatic as an appropriate in an isolated, medically -supported location.
- Bridge House will continue to provide sheltering and meals on a walk up basis with these increased supports including medical staff on site to screen for symptoms for our basic needs clients. Should a client be symptomatic they will be sent to an EOC-run shelter for quarantine and treatment.
- Severe Weather Shelter is open nightly at 2691 30th Street beginning at 5:00PM for an evening meal. Clients will be screened by medical personnel prior to entering the building. To go meals will be available.
- Case Management for Path to Home Navigation clients is open at 2691 30th Street from 9:00 to 5:00 Monday through Friday.
Ready to Work:
- Our Ready to Work House is being vigilant about keeping our trainee residents safe through constant reminders to follow CDC guidelines, not allowing visitors and non-essential activities. Our program staff is providing much needed support to maintain culture and proactively handle increased anxiety and possible relapse during this uncertain time.
- Our Ready to Work social enterprises, including our outdoor crew and Community Table Kitchen food service operation, will continue to operate as work is available. Trainees and staff who are exhibiting signs of illness will not be allowed to work in either venture.
- Ready to Work is open to resident trainees and essential staff as normal
- Ready to Work is not accepting referrals at this time.
Community Table Kitchen:
- CTK will continue providing additional meals to vulnerable populations during this time including increase sheltering capacity. As the situation evolves we hope to use our food service expertise to not only maintain the meals we already provide to those in need but to expand services.
- CTK is expanding our Take and Bake offerings for purchase by the community, including new home delivery options to bring fresh food to paying customers which will support our mission.
- Community Table Kitchen Café and Marketplace will be open at Boulder Community Health Monday to Friday 6:30AM to 2:00PM for take out options.
- Minimal volunteer opportunities continue to be available. Updates will be sent to all active volunteers, please check in with [email protected] if you are uncertain about your position.
- If volunteers are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms, we request that they cancel their shift and stay at home.
- Any volunteers who are concerned about their exposure are welcome to cancel their shift and stay at home.
How You Can Help:
- Order our Take and Bake meals to bring healthy, fresh, delicious food to your home while supporting our mission. HOME DELIVERY NOW AVAILABLE! To order, go to: https://boulderbridgehouse.org/take-bake/ Indicate your address for delivery in the memo line for home delivery for a $5 charge.
- Donate funds: we will need your support to get through this time and continue offering our vital services to the community. Through March your financial donations will be DOUBLED thanks to generous match support from Stand Together. Click here: https://boulderbridgehouse.org/donate/
- Donate supplies: new to-go containers (clam shells, etc…) are needed to serve our clients healthy meals. Other supplies are needed too, please contact [email protected] for the latest updates.
As providers of services for adults experiencing homelessness, including basic needs of shelter and meals as well as housing and employment, Bridge House will not cease operations during the COVID-19 outbreak. Our clients and community need our services now more than ever. Thank you for your support.