The Top Ten of 2018 – The People That Personify Our Success
10. Stella – Ready to Work graduate – A mom again to her 7-year-old son. Stella regained custody of her son as the result of the pro-bono legal work provided through Bridge House volunteers at a top Denver-based law firm.
In 2018 we leveraged the skills and talents of professional volunteers and connect our clients to the best resources available. We had more than 500 individuals volunteer at Bridge House in some way during the year.
To become a mentor or share your professional skills click here.
9. Ruben – Sage Hospitality employee – Our robust partnership with Sage Hospitality resulted in more than 10 jobs for Ready to Work graduates in 2018. Sage Hospitality won our inaugural Employer of the Year award. We bridge the gap for local employers for lasting success.
Email [email protected] to hire a Ready to Work graduate.
8. Beth – Our outreach nurse from Boulder Community Hospital. Through a collaboration sponsored by BCH in 2018, we are able to provide regular on-site access to medical care at Bridge House programs. BCH is able to help assess and triage medical concerns on site to help clients get the care they need and to avoid unnecessary, costly visits to the ER. Click here to watch a video on our partnership.
In addition to BCH, Bridge House has a long history of enhancing our services through partnerships with amazing providers such as Dental Aid, Clinica, Mental Health Partners and many more.
7. Dave – Ready to Work outdoor crew supervisor – This December, Ready to Work celebrated 7 years of providing landscaping and supplemental sanitation services in the City of Boulder. In 2018 Dave, in his fifth year with Ready to Work, oversaw more than 5,000 hours of labor to beautify downtown Boulder. Ready to Work provided more than 20,000 hours for our partners at Open Space Mountain Parks and Parks and Recreation combined.
We transform lives while keeping our community beautiful.
6. Joel– Saver. In 2018, our Ready to Work trainees saved over $70,000 of the wages they earned. Bridge House provides a savings incentive of $25 for every $500 saved. This year 49 unique trainees received incentives. Joel saved so much he got 13! We provide paid work, require savings, and teach financial management so our clients can clean up financial barriers that have perpetuated their homelessness and prepare for housing.
5. Misty – Tenant – In August, Bridge House and Congregation Har HaShem launched a new partnership to create a net gain of affordable housing in the community. By leveraging the assets of Har HaShem and the expertise of Widd Medford and the Ready to Work team to identify and support tenants who are stable and ready to enter mainstream housing, we have created a partnership model offering non-traditional housing stock, with $0 capital cost, for people transitioning from homeless to housed. On August 12, we permanently housed 6 people in one day at a rate affordable at 30% of Area Median Income. We seek to do more in 2019. If you are a landlord looking to partner, let us know.
4. The Path to Home team – The Path to Home model provides robust, intensive case management support coupled with overnight shelter and basic needs. Path to Home made history this June as the first, and only, 24/7 hub of services for adults experiencing homelessness in Boulder. We serve 50 clients on an ongoing basis and an additional 70 clients on severe weather shelter nights. Click here to read an article from the Daily Camera.
3. Chef John – Executive Chef – in 2018, under the leadership of Chef John and team, Community Table Kitchen fed more than 2,000 unique low income and hungry members of our community through daily meals including our annual Christmas festivities. Click here to read an article from the Daily Camera about our Christmas meal. Additionally, our social enterprise earned over $450,000 in revenue through catering for a multitude of customers and wholesale thriving partnerships with customers including Alfalfa’s, Luckys and Danconias Truffle Brownies to employ Ready to Work trainees. Click here to learn more about Danconias and their amazing truffle brownies.
We take food to a whole new level. We also have a café – click here to read more about our Community Table Kitchen which was reviewed by the Daily Camera.

Stop by for breakfast or lunch!
2. Earl – A new Ready to Work Aurora resident. On December 14, 2018, we opened Ready to Work Aurora! Earl, one of our first trainees shared his story with tears of joy for the opportunity to join Ready to Work. We are thrilled to expand our Ready to Work capacity to 94 in metro-Denver.
1. You – Believer. The fuel behind our work is you. Our team of Bridge House All-Stars works hard every day because of our unique resolve to empower adult experiencing homelessness. It is because of your support that we can by provide them with the opportunities they need to transform their lives. Your belief in Bridge House gives us the energy we need to work 24/7, 365.
Thank you.