The Bridge House Resource Center is now open
We have launched!
The Bridge House Resource Center is now open Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:00am to 3:00pm at 1603 Walnut Street.
Our Resource Center is over a year in the making. As a response to the ever growing need to make homeless services more accessible, efficient and effective for clients and service providers alike, Bridge House has launched Boulder’s first Resource Center for homeless adults. All are welcome.
We have built upon our experience and have created a single location that standardizes intake and assessment and connects people to the resources they need by coordinating service providers on site.
How it works
1. Intake and assessment
With no appointment necessary, clients are able to meet with trained intake and assessment counselors to identify what resources they are eligible for and for trained staff to make quick referrals to necessary services.
2. On-site service delivery
During regularly scheduled hours, staff from Bridge House case management and our partner organizations will meet with clients on an appointment basis to discuss their individual cases and sign them up for benefits or deliver services such as mental health treatment, addiction counseling and job search assistance.
Bridge House and other organizations will provide classes in job skills, money management, preparation for housing, and other skills in areas that will lead to more stability.
Our goals:
Improve the experience and stability of homeless clients
Increase access to services and benefits to all who are eligible
Promote inter-agency collaboration around outcome-based services for homeless individuals
Better understand the needs of homeless individuals through a single assessment tool and data tracking to better inform future resource allocation in our community
Make service delivery more efficient and identify gaps in services
Build upon Boulder’s existing culture of providing basic needs services, to create more best practice, outcome-based services
Thank you to First Presbyterian Church for donating use of its annex building for the Resource Center to operate.
Thank you to the more than 15 service providers in our community who are collaborating with Bridge House to make this project a reality
Thank you to the City of Boulder and policy makers for supporting our efforts
Bridge House will maintain our core services at 1120 ½ Pine Street Monday through Friday 9:00am to 3:00pm as well as our Community Table meal program.
To volunteer contact Scott Medina at [email protected]